Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos, a Greek American journalist and television hostess is an actor. She's host of Extra, E! News she was a TV anchor on Today Access Hollywood and co-hosted the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 in Athens Greece. In her interview she revealed that her situation is getting better following her battle with private the stage 2 pancreatic cancer in the past year. Menounos shared that she is getting better. She's doing good. and I am grateful to be healthful. Litsa Menounos, Maria's Mother was 61 years old when she was diagnosed with GBM, a tough treatment, cancerous, and aggressive type of cancer that affects the brain. Menounos was active in caring for her mother while she was undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. Mariah Carey was an American musician, singer, record producer and actress. Guinness World Records calls her the Songbird Supreme. She is famous for her songwriting skills, a five-octave range of vocals, and a melismatic style.

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